[ubuntu-us-nc] Next IRC Meeting
markthecarp at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 13:16:59 GMT 2009
Hello All,
This is to remind everyone of the regularly scheduled IRC Meeting
tomorrow, November 3, 2009 at 7:00 pm EST. This on the team channel on
Freenode.net (#ubuntu-us-nc). For folks that do not wish to setup an IRC
client there is now a link on the team's wiki page that will open the
channel in your web browser. Please see
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam under the Upcoming Meetings
Please see the agenda located at...
Please join the meeting if you have suggestions for additional agenda
items or use your Launchpad account login to make additions.
I apologize for completely forgetting about the last meeting; I'll blame
it on the 70 hour work weeks I was putting in through most of the month
of October.
I would also like to remind everyone that Tuesday, November 3rd is also
election day in North Carolina. Perhaps the most important election day
as it is for local elections. If you don't vote I can only quote Gomer
Pyle, "Shame, shame, shame..."
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