[ubuntu-us-nc] Ubuntu User Days - Announcement and Call for Volunteers
Ken "Kete" F
kwfj at suddenlink.net
Tue Dec 8 02:26:18 GMT 2009
If you want, just open your Pidgin Buddy List, click Accounts, Manage
and Add on the new window that pops up. Another window will pop up. Set
the Protocol to IRC, choose a Username ("nick") and set the server to
Click Save. The second window will close. Enable the account by clicking
the check box next to the name. Close the window. On your Buddy List,
Click Buddies and Add Chat...
Another window will pop up. Select the IRC Account, and type
#ubuntu-us-nc in the Channel box. Type Ubuntu-NC in the Alias box, click
both checkboxes, and click the Add button. The window will close, and
you'll see the channel on your Buddy List. Double-click it to join, and
you'll join automatically when Pidgin starts from now on.
Moss Bliss wrote:
> Would it help to say I use Pidgin? Still have to log into a
> service... if I had a reason to (re)learn IRC I could still login
> through Pidgin...
> Hugs,
> Moss
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:57 PM, markthecarp <markthecarp at gmail.com
> <mailto:markthecarp at gmail.com>> wrote:
> John Ghormley wrote:
> > Mark, I think I'd agree with Moss and Nate. The IRC, while a
> staple for
> > long time 'nix users is not necessarily an entity of common use
> among
> > those who are potentially new Ubuntu users. Chats of a more easily
> > accessible nature without the need to navigate setup, etc, of
> IRC might
> > be a better choice for newbies. We don't see it as a stumbling
> block
> > but then none of us are newbies to computers. Obviously,
> newbies come
> > in a variety of styles, but many long time Windoze users have
> never used
> > IRC. Just the terminology of a "channel" is off putting to many
> Windoze
> > users. I like the concept but a different vehicle may need to be
> > employed to connect to the potential audience.
> >
> > John
> >
> Well John, Moss and Nate I have passed your concerns along to the
> Learning team by way of <cough> IRC.
> Other common chat clients require membership in a multitude of
> protocols
> or services (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, GTalk, etc). IRC only requires logging
> into a server and channel. To make something like Ubuntu Users Day
> accessible globally IRC seems to be a reasonable choice.
> Additionally much of the daily nitty gritty of collaborating on the
> developing and maintaining of Ubuntu goes on on the #ubuntu-* channels
> on Freenode.net.
> Amber I have to respectfully disagree with using Lernid. At least for
> the first planned Ubuntu Users Day as using Lernid would require the
> beginner-ish user to learn how to add a Launchpad Personal Package
> Archive. To me that seems to be not new user friendly.
> Lernid may well make it into the Universe repos before the next
> release
> but for January Ubuntu Users Day it doesn't seem like a good
> option to me.
> -mark
> --
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> --
> ज़ैवलानन्ड
> President of Asheville Homeless Network - http://ashevillehomeless.org
> Administrative Editor of Eternal Press - http://eternalpress.ca
> Moss' Malas, http://mossmalas.ecrater.com
> See my new site, Med Free or Working On It, http://medfree.ning.com
> சிவாய நமஹ
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