[ubuntu-us-nc] Ubuntu User Days - Announcement and Call for Volunteers

Daniel nix at tek12.com
Tue Dec 8 01:20:00 GMT 2009

on 12/07/2009 08:15 PM, Moss Bliss wrote:
> Would it help to say I use Pidgin?  Still have to log into a 
> service... if I had a reason to (re)learn IRC I could still login 
> through Pidgin...
> Hugs,
> Moss

Pidgin is what I use for IRC chat as well... it just happen to easily 
integrate with what I was already using - there are lots of plugins for 
advanced configuration of IRC in there as well... But, out of the box it 
certainly seems simple enough...


> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:57 PM, markthecarp <markthecarp at gmail.com 
> <mailto:markthecarp at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     John Ghormley wrote:
>     > Mark, I think I'd agree with Moss and Nate.  The IRC, while a
>     staple for
>     > long time 'nix users is not necessarily an entity of common use
>     among
>     > those who are potentially new Ubuntu users.  Chats of a more easily
>     > accessible nature without the need to navigate setup, etc, of
>     IRC might
>     > be a better choice for newbies.  We don't see it as a stumbling
>     block
>     > but then none of us are newbies to computers.  Obviously,
>     newbies come
>     > in a variety of styles, but many long time Windoze users have
>     never used
>     > IRC.  Just the terminology of a "channel" is off putting to many
>     Windoze
>     > users.  I like the concept but a different vehicle may need to be
>     > employed to connect to the potential audience.
>     >
>     > John
>     >
>     Well John, Moss and Nate I have passed your concerns along to the
>     Learning team by way of <cough> IRC.
>     Other common chat clients require membership in a multitude of
>     protocols
>     or services (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, GTalk, etc). IRC only requires logging
>     into a server and channel. To make something like Ubuntu Users Day
>     accessible globally IRC seems to be a reasonable choice.
>     Additionally much of the daily nitty gritty of collaborating on the
>     developing and maintaining of Ubuntu goes on on the #ubuntu-* channels
>     on Freenode.net.
>     Amber I have to respectfully disagree with using Lernid. At least for
>     the first planned Ubuntu Users Day as using Lernid would require the
>     beginner-ish user to learn how to add a Launchpad Personal Package
>     Archive. To me that seems to be not new user friendly.
>     Lernid may well make it into the Universe repos before the next
>     release
>     but for January Ubuntu Users Day it doesn't seem like a good
>     option to me.
>     -mark
>     --
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> ?????????
> President of Asheville Homeless Network - http://ashevillehomeless.org
> Administrative Editor of Eternal Press - http://eternalpress.ca
> Moss' Malas, http://mossmalas.ecrater.com
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> ????? ???


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