[ubuntu-us-nc] Ubuntu User Days - Announcement and Call for Volunteers
Nathaniel Bounds
n8bounds at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 21:37:05 GMT 2009
I agree. Most users capable of joining a channel on a specified IRC server
are not the target audience for "beginner-ish" classes.
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Moss Bliss <zaivalananda at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would suggest that most of us beginner-ish people don't have a clue how
> to use IRC and we need to find something more mainstream -- even a Ning
> page. It has been over a DECADE since I managed to understand IRC enough to
> use it, the Internet has moved way past there in ease of use.
> Sorry if this is seen as a rant.
> Hugs,
> Moss
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 3:04 PM, markthecarp <markthecarp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> At the Ubuntu Developer Summit for version 10.04 a couple of weeks ago,
>> there was a discussion for extending Ubuntu Open Week throughout the
>> release cycle by having a few smaller "days" in #ubuntu-classroom which
>> were devoted to certain things.
>> The idea for a Day that took shape was "Ubuntu User Day" where a
>> series of beginner-ish level sessions would take place. The vision is
>> for this to happen on a Saturday and probably last 8-10 hours,
>> depending on how many folks we get volunteering to host sessions.
>> Wiki pages are taking shape here:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays
>> The Ubuntu Community Learning Project Team is pleased to announce the
>> first User Day on January 23rd, Saturday from 1200 UTC to 2200 UTC,
>> which comes to 0700 EST to 1700 EST.
>> The proposed topics can be seen in the UserDaysTeam link above. If
>> anyone is interested in leading sessions, please add your name, topic,
>> and time slot at the bottom of the UserDaysTeam link above.
>> Right now, they don't have many volunteers, so they're looking for a bit
>> of participation from the North Carolina LoCo both in terms of teachers
>> and participants too. I'd like to re-emphasize that most of this is
>> going to be beginners friendly.
>> For those who aren't familiar with the concept, there are sessions using
>> IRC during the Ubuntu Open Week and Ubuntu Developer Week. If
>> you are new to IRC and want to participate, please see
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat
>> For more information on the Ubuntu Community Learning Project please see
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning
>> -mark
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> ज़ैवलानन्ड
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> Administrative Editor of Eternal Press - http://eternalpress.ca
> Moss' Malas, http://mossmalas.ecrater.com
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