[ubuntu-us-mn] Help to determine if database error is OS specific, or other issue. Thanks!

tpkyteroo luebeck tp.game.s at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 21:42:32 UTC 2012

Never mind! We figured it out. The Theme was messing up the board,
especially after fool admin (me) moved the theme files AFTER I installed it
instead of before. rofl Oops! Its weird how only XP and Macs showed the
error, but not my win7. lol I have the board now not viewable by anyone
except members.

TPKyteroo jaunting off to the Galactic Trig...

http://www.allergicvegetarian.com (Recipes for those with all sorts of
different Food Allergies. Not all recipes will be suitable for Vegetarians,
but many will be.)
http://www.tpgames.net (The Tomorrow People Themed)
http://www.tpgames.net/gaming/lotr/2/game.html (Lord of the Rings Themed)

http://www.globalwritersclub.com (The Joke: under construction, but some
things up.)
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