[ubuntu-us-mn] Batch Image Processing

Stephen Fluin stephen.fluin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 13:33:01 BST 2010

For batch image resizing or manipulation, what you want is
http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php.  ImageMagick is in the
repositories as "imagemagick".  The specific command from this suite of
tools you want is either convert (convert an entire folder and create a new
set of images with the new size), or mogrify (convert an entire folder
in-place), with the -resize flag.  Check it out, there are actually hundreds
of things you can do with ImageMagick, including some limited content-aware
resizing if I recall correctly.

Stephen Fluin

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 6:00 AM, <ubuntu-us-mn-request at lists.ubuntu.com>wrote:
> I've been also searching for a program that would batch resize a folder to
> a
> specific *Pixel* size, and all I'm finding is resizing on a *%* basis. :P
> Not very useful, as I needed the images to be *exactly 800 x 600* and not
> one pixel more or less. Gimp doesn't seem to have that feature that I could
> find. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there something that doesn't use
> command line?
> Thanks!
> --
> TPKyteroo jaunting off to the Galactic Trig...
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