[ubuntu-us-mn] File based app execution

Colin Harrington colin.harrington at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 17:04:12 BST 2009


Its easy to open the file using 'gnome-open' from the command line.

Gnome uses the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list to match mime types to
applications -> which then corresponds to the <appName>.desktop to be
executed.  Maybe gnome-open was what you were looking for otherwise a little
google searching might turn up something.



~ Colin

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Fred H Olson <fholson at cohousing.org> wrote:

> In a file browser like Nautilus one can click on a file name and the
> application appropriate to that file is used to open that file.
> Can this be done from the command line ?
> If there is, I could write an editor macro to call it...
> I have long had an editor macro that allows me to open a text file
> whose path and name is on the line the edit cursor is on.  This makes it
> very easy to organize and access files.  Typically with some description
> on the same line.
> I'd like to extend this to other kinds of files - .jpg, .pdf, .htm etc
> I've experimented to find a way to do this for one file extension /
> application but it would be nice to build on the existing extension /
> application association info etc rather than rebuilding such
> functionality.
> Fred
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> Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
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