[ubuntu-us-mn] ** Tomorrow ** Q&A @PenguinsUnbound Linux Meeting Jan 24, 2009

Brian Dolan-Goecke BrianDG at Goecke-Dolan.com
Fri Jan 23 06:59:43 GMT 2009

This months PenguinsUnbound.com meeting will be
Saturday January 24th at TIES,
1667 Snelling Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55108
from 10:00 to 12:00.

(See the web site http://www.penguinsunbound.com for directions and more

We will have a Open Q&A session this month at the Penguins Unbound Meeting.

It has been asked for a Python Quick Start/Intro, so if you know Python 
and would be willing to show up and give a quick introduction that would 
be great!

Also bring your Idea's for topics in the coming year.

Thanks, hope to see you there!


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