[ubuntu-us-mn] Update on ShipIt request

Pete teeahr1 at gmail.com
Wed May 7 14:37:51 BST 2008

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Fred H Olson <fholson at cohousing.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 7 May 2008, Richard Laager wrote:
> > I'm a big skeptic, but I really doubt that anyone in your target group
> > is going to actually use an Ubuntu CD if you send them one. Part of that
> > will be an issue of time and mail volume and the other will likely be an
> > IT security issue. (What IT staffer is going to let a representative
> > boot untrusted code on their machine?)
> >
> > If you want to educate politicians about open source, I'd say you should
> > focus on business and policy aspects. For example, maybe you want the
> > state government to only procure software that uses open standards (or
> > is open source).
> I agree with Richard. I expect most CD's given to politicans unsolicited
> would go to waste.  Havig some to give politicans or others who request
> them would make sense.  Emphasize the live cd aspect since it makes no
> changes and is an easy way to try.
> Fred

I agree with Fred and Richard. Not to poop on your idea, Tony, because it's
a good one, but there's got to be a better way to get it done that doesn't
involve a mass ShipIt order or a big pile of money.

I'm in the process of whipping up some snazzy 8.04 labels (based on Ulrich
Hansen's excellent Debian labels <http://www.ulrich-hansen.de/etch/>), all I
really need to do yet is come up with a good background (if anyone's got an
idea for me, I'd love ya for it). What if a bunch of people commit to
burning N number of CDs and doing labels for them? Someone could draft a
brief introductory letter and we'd be set to rock.

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