Converting MN Colleges to OSS
kb b
kb_one at
Thu Sep 20 14:44:15 BST 2007
Ya, I'll let her know about this group and mailing list. District is in the NW 'burbs of the cities.
Kyle Benson kb_one at kylebenson at> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 08:39:04 -0500> From: tonyyarusso at> To: ubuntu-us-mn at> Subject: Re: Converting MN Colleges to OSS> > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----> Hash: SHA1> > Perhaps you could get her and/or higher ups on this list or otherwise> in contact with us? Could be a good in. What district?> > kb b wrote:> > .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage {> > FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } My sister works for a local> > school disctrict and there are rumblings of OOo being used instead> > of Microsoft for cost saving reasons. This would mean little kids> > learing to word process on OOo instead of Word which I feel is the> > best way to break the Microsoft cycle. I think people are finally> > starting to wake up!> >> >> >> >> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 21:37:35 -0500 From:> >> tonyyarusso at To: ubuntu-us-mn at> >> Subject: Re: Converting MN Colleges to OSS> >>> > Aaron wrote:> >> Hey all,> >> >> I came up with an idea for a potential project that we could> >> maybe look into if people are interested.> >> >> On any campus you visit in the Metro area (and I'm sure> >> elsewhere) they all appear to be using Microsoft Office to do> >> their word, spreadsheet, and database processing. While this> >> isn't inherently an issue, as I'm sure you are aware these pieces> >> of software cost LOTS of money not only for the colleges that> >> provide computers for the students to use but also for the> >> students who in part pay tuition fees to cover the software and> >> pay money for the software for their own personal use. Why> >> increase the cost of higher education unnecessarily with it can> >> easily and effectively be replaced with free and open source> >> alternatives such as Abiword and Open Office?> >> >> Here's my idea, and if there is enough interest we can look into> >> doing something with it. If I'm not mistaken colleges just like> >> any other business are looking to cut expenses, why not show them> >> an effective way to cut their expenses with out loosing> >> anything? Normandale (where I currently go) already has Firefox> >> installed on all the computers and is set as default browser,> >> they obviously aren't opposed to open source software, we just> >> need to show them that there are more options out there.> >> >> Anyways, I thought I'd run it by you guys, if there is interest> >> maybe we can make a plan, get a presentation together (made on> >> OSS yay!) and maybe show these guys the future.> >> >> Let me know what you think,> >> >> Aaron> > This would be a fantastic tack to start in on. My school (Saint> > Paul College) also has Firefox on every machine, and within the> > computing courses even uses Ubuntu for some things, but I haven't> > see OOo or anything else of the sort in any of the labs. Also, the> > University of Minnesota runs Ubuntu on all machines in the> > Computer Science department, and hosts a full Ubuntu repository> > mirror.> >> > There were some folks in the Canadian team looking into university> > stuff, but I don't know if anything ever came of it.> >>> >>> - --> Ubuntu-us-mn mailing list> Ubuntu-us-mn at> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:>> > > ------------------------- Make your little one a shining star!> > Shine on! <>> > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)> > iD8DBQFG8nf4KlAIzV4ebxoRAgA2AJ4rub7uUdaVR6bdEnVktDB9SJyRwgCghI4C> 40U3bnCfDoHjff45FcmDzhQ=> =a0ut> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----> > > -- > Ubuntu-us-mn mailing list> Ubuntu-us-mn at> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
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