[ubuntu-us-mi] Global Jam 13.04

Jay Wren jrwren at xmtp.net
Fri Feb 15 13:47:53 UTC 2013

I'd like to host a ubuntu-server hangout, just a place where people can share common issues and solutions and see if the group would like to dedicate any time to giving back improvement.

On Feb 14, 2013, at 8:25 PM, Craig Maloney <craig at decafbad.net> wrote:

> Hello fellow Ubuntu folk,
> Once again it's time for Ubuntu Locos across this pale blue dot of ours
> to come together and participate in the grand tradition known as the
> Global Jam. Initiated by our loco as the Bug Jam, the Global Jam has
> grown from our beloved state into a global event encompassing all
> aspects of Ubuntu; from bug triage to documentation fixing to much, much
> more.
> In the spirit of innovation, our group is trying something new with the
> Global Jam. Generally we dedicate a few hours to the Global Jam at a few
> locations in the hopes that folks will make the trek out to come
> together and work on Ubuntu-related projects together. Unfortunately
> that leaves folks out who either don't have transportation, or live
> considerable distances from one of the events.
> Since we're computer folks, perhaps we can try something a little more
> technical to help bridge the gaps and solve the transportation and time
> constraints?
> For the entire weekend of March 1st through March 3rd, we'll be jamming
> online, primarily in our IRC channel (#ubuntu-us-mi on Freenode).
> Participation is simple:
> 1) Log into IRC (there's a client available on
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-michigan under Resources if you
> don't already have one handy) and join #ubuntu-us-mi
> 2) Say "I'm jamming" (or use some variation thereof. Examples include:
> "we be jammin'", "I like toast and jam", "Jam on it"; something with
> the word "jam" in it will suffice.)
> 3) Find something to work on and announce it to the channel.
> Perhaps you'd like to answer questions on http://askubuntu.com? Great!
> Want to test out 13.04 on your machine? Awesome.
> 4) OPTIONAL: If you'd like to join a Google Hangout and hang out with
> folks, we'll post instructions in channel.
> We'll also have Google Hangouts to help folks learn some of the many
> pieces of the Ubuntu ecosystem. We're looking to have Jorge Castro give
> a demo and explain the ins and outs of askubuntu.com.
> If you'd like to host a hangout to discuss a topic related to Ubuntu,
> please send a note to the mailing list with your ideas.
> This is an experiment, and as with all experiments the success of the
> event will depend on you and your participation! I think we can make
> this work, and I'm excited to see you during the event!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Craig Maloney  (craig at decafbad.net)        http://decafbad.net
>    "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
>     wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo
> -- 
> ubuntu-us-mi mailing list
> ubuntu-us-mi at lists.ubuntu.com
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