[ubuntu-us-mi] Fwd: [Penguicon-General] Fwd: Looking for Help Moving to Linux

Wolfger wolfger at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 21:53:26 UTC 2012

Anybody willing to help a Windows user move to Ubuntu in the Dearborn area?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Gutterman <stevegutterman at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 12:40 AM
Subject: [Penguicon-General] Fwd: Looking for Help Moving to Linux
To: Penguicon Concom Discussion List <concom at lists.penguicon.org>,
penguicon-general at lists.penguicon.org

Hello everyone,

There's a nice woman in Dearborn named Beth who has had it with
Windows, and would like to learn about Linux and put it on her
computer.  Is there anyone on the list willing to evangelize and
perhaps even help her install Ubuntu or something else good for a
Linux newcomer?  If so, contact me off-list using SteveGutterman <at>
gmail.com and I'll provide you with contact information.  Thanks much!

Steve Gutterman
"Don't fully trust anyone until he has stuck with a good cause which
he saw was losing." -- Morton Blackwell's "Laws of the Public Policy

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