[ubuntu-us-mi] Fwd: Ubuntu Party Weekend…

Craig Maloney craig at decafbad.net
Fri Aug 13 20:03:07 BST 2010

On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 12:30 -0400, Greg Grossmeier wrote:
> <quoting name="Craig Maloney" date="2010-07-27" time="16:50:06 -0400">
> > On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 10:39 -0400, Wolfger wrote:
> > > Location doesn't matter to me... I plan to be up in/near Oscoda
> > > hitting people in the head with sticks that day. :-)
> > > If you move it to Sunday, I prefer CMPL, but not for any unselfish reason. :-)
> > 
> > CMPL is closed on Sundays during the summer. I think they don't restart
> > sunday hours until after school starts. 

Just a quick reminder that the CMPL is closed on Sundays so it's not
available to us on Sunday (until after Labor day).

Also, I'll start the ball rolling on getting the CMPL reserved for
Saturday in the event that we pick that day.

  Craig Maloney  (craig at decafbad.net)        http://decafbad.net
    "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big,
     wear glasses if you need 'em." -- The Webb Wilder Credo

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