[ubuntu-us-mi] [ANNOUNCEMENT]: Jaunty Release Party - April 25th

Greg Grossmeier greg at grossmeier.net
Fri Apr 17 16:08:15 BST 2009

This is your one-week warning for the Jaunty Release Party that will 
happen on April 25th!  Be sure to come on out and celebrate the next 
great release of Ubuntu and meet new friends.  And, of course, feel 
free to bring your friends; we're a very welcoming bunch.

The details:

Location: Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti [0]
Time: 7pm - ???
Swag: Greg will be bringing some case badges and Ubuntu stickers for 
those who want them.

If you need a ride, send an email to the list, I bet someone could 
help out.

Hope to see you there!

[0] http://neotech.net/ABC/index.php?site=cornerbrewery

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