[ubuntu-us-mi] Penguicon Packaging Jam?

Marshal Newrock marshal at idealso.com
Wed Nov 21 01:06:41 GMT 2007

On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:55:40 -0500
Rick Harding <rharding at mitechie.com> wrote:

> This is all depending on numbers so take it all with a grain of salt.
> Basically when I ran this with 7 people we had wired/wireless
> internet. I didn't want to flood my one access point or deal with
> getting people's wireless working. Everyone needs to be able to get
> on the same subnet though so share a gobby editing session.
> The net connection needs to be able to handle everyone pulling
> packages and such, but it's not a ton of total MB worth of stuff.

I'll just address this here.  If you're using the Computer Lounge
network, then there should be a caching web proxy, so that would
decrease the bandwidth requirements.  I'm assuming that packages are
fetched via http and ftp.

As far as networking, then I'm sure that one way or another, we can get
all of the computers on the same subnet.  Either with a wireless router
which provides dhcp, with a switch hanging off of it for the wired
computers, or by making sure there's a network card specifically for
packaging jam computers in the terminal server, and having the terminal
server provide dhcp.

Marshal Newrock
Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com

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