Ubuntu Maryland Group Leader Change

Ron Swift rswift at swiftstaffing.com
Wed Mar 6 16:16:08 UTC 2013

I have taken over as Group leader of the Ubuntu Maryland Loco Team. 
Chuck Fran has done an excellent job getting the team established and 
providing leadership. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his contributions.
There has been a good deal of apathy in this group over the past year or 
so. It may in part be due to Ubuntu becoming so easy to install and use 
that meeting on a regular basis is no longer viewed as necessary. There 
is also an abundance of information online to assist you when you 
encounter problems with Ubuntu.
So this begs the question, do we need a Ubuntu-Maryland Group and if so 
what direction should this group take. I need the groups input on what, 
if anything, we want to accomplish, such as:

 1. Do we want to become an approved Ubuntu Loco team.
 2. Monthly meetings at a location or virtually
 3. New version release parties.
 4. Install fest
 5. Student chapter
 6. Periodic meetings with the Ubuntu-DC Loco team
 7. Ubuntu Desktop and server sub-groups
 8. BugJam, documentation review and new release testing participation.
 9. Community promotion activities.
10. Do you want to assist in running the group
11. Should we allow the group to lapse.

Here is a link to a FAQ regarding Loco Teams, 
Please share your thoughts with me individually or to the group.


Ron Swift
410-788-7011 ext 5005
Celebrating 24 Years in Business, 1989 - Present!
"Staffing Services, Web Development and Technical Support"

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