ubuntu 13.04 Raring Rngtail

Nathan Jones omegamormegil at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 11:01:00 UTC 2013

I would highly recommend the TP-LINK TL-WN721N.  Just plug it in and it
works, at least in 12.04.  Unless there is a kernel regression, it
should work great in the latest release. 



On 04/26/2013 06:44 AM, Kevin Gregg wrote:
> All,
> I got my dual boot (Win7/ubuntu) laptop upgraded to 13.04 during the day
> yesterday.  It went smoothly, no problems.  Last night, I burned the 13.04
> ISO to a DVD and installed 13.04 on a Win7 desktop making it dual boot,
> too.  I am in market for Ubuntu friendly USB wireless network adapter for
> this desktop PC.   Who makes a good one?  I will look online and read the
> various msg boards.  Enjoy the mttg tomorrow.  I am cleaning up a
> yard/house in Landover MD with the Christmas in April program tomorrow.
> Kevin

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