Linux Format 116 Free Download

James Ewing Cottrell 3rd JECottrell3 at Comcast.NET
Sun Jun 7 20:35:36 BST 2009

Boot grub from a local disk, and do a chainload to the MBR of the USB 
Flash drive.

With a little more work, you can boot your resident disk Linux, then 
copy /boot from the USB to the local drive. Then create a Grub entry to 
load vmlinuz and initrd from there.

WARNING: you will probably need to use root=LABEL=whatever in both the 
Grub.conf (menu.lst) as well as /etc/fstab, but you should already be 
doing that.


Josh Rhoderick wrote:
> I don't think we should sound the death knell for LiveCDs just yet. There is
> a kernel bug<>present
> in the ehci_hcd module that prevents a lot of us from using flash
> drives at USB 2.0 speeds, and some of us can't use USB devices at all. This
> is the bug that forced me to quit using Linux. Well, that one, and
> this one<>
> .
> Until the USB stack is fixed -- and I'm not holding my breath -- CDs and
> DVDs are the only option for those of us with affected hardware.
> -- Josh
> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:05 AM, James Ewing Cottrell 3rd <
> JECottrell3 at> wrote:
>> A USB Flash Drive is just another form of a disk. What's the big deal?
>> In theory, nothing. And indeed, CentOS 5.2 (and other suitably modern
>> distros) will indeed install and run exactly as as any other disk,
>> assuming that your computer can boot a USB disk.
>> However, up until recently, you had to make a few tweaks. The basic idea
>> is that the initrd has to load the drivers. What was needed (as recently
>> as CentOS 5.0) was after doing the install (which needed the "expert"
>> flag added to the boot: prompt), you had to boot the install system in
>> Rescue Mode, and rebuild the initrd.
>> The easiest way was to figure out which drivers you needed (try
>> usb-storage and things with sd in them) to add and mark them a
>> scsi-controller in /etc/modprobe.conf and do another mkinitrd.
>> More difficult is adding an option switch for each desired module.
>> Harder still is picking the initrd apart via gunzip and cpio and
>> reassembling in after modifying the "filesystem".
>> Note that I am glossing over details, mostly because you needn't do most
>> or indeed any of this stuff just works because the distro
>> builders are putting more stuff in the installers because more people
>> are using systems that way.
>> Guess what? With the advent of Flash Drives....
>> LIVE CDS ARE DEAD. Well, not dead, but unnecessary.
>> You heard it here first.
>> JIM
>> Robert Eisenzopf wrote:
>>> Likewise at the same site a topic just covered,
>>> "How to Install a Linux Distro to a USB Flashdrive"
>>> using either Ubuntu orFedora
>>> Chuck Frain <chuckfrain at>
>>>> In case you did not see it advertised, Linux Format is
>>>> offering their
>>>> current issue, 116, in PDF for free via torrent at the
>>>> tuxradar site. Offer
>>>> ends 11:59 GMT March 4 so get it now!
>>>> --
>>>> Chuck Frain
>>>> GPG Key: A86EA59F
>>>> --
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