Online Bug Day?

Josh Rhoderick rhoderickj at
Tue Aug 11 19:18:25 BST 2009

That's a great idea, Craig. I am not that familiar with Teamspeak but I
thought you needed a paid Teamspeak server to coordinate your channel. I
could be wrong about this though. I use Skype to do a lot of conference
calls. Skype is available on all platforms too. I don't know if there's a
limit on how many can join a conference call though.

-- Josh

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Craig Younkins <cyounkins at>wrote:

> Here's an idea: Instead of having a Bug Day somewhere physical, *let's have
> one online*. I was thinking we could set up a VOIP service so we can shoot
> the bull on voice chat while we're working on bugs.
> Sure, we miss out on pizza, but it also means we don't have to travel and
> bring laptops, nor does Chuck have to obtain a space. Perhaps we can make
> it
> a bit less formal, and a bit more regular. A more social event to connect
> with our fellow Ubunteros twice a month and help out Ubuntu in the process!
> Comments? Anyone know about a VOIP solution or would be willing to set one
> up?
> Craig
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