Linux Against Poverty: Any interest in doing something like this around here?

Nate omegamormegil at
Thu Aug 6 05:00:06 BST 2009

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Robert Eisenzopf <deitai at>wrote:

> I'll help in whatever way you need.


As mentioned
> previously, I've been refurbishing
> PIII's with at least 800MHz and 256MB RAM or low end PIV's,
> loading them with Linux
> that has G Compris such as Edubuntu(Debian base) or
> K12LTSP(Fedora base) and
> with a decent video card the kids can have fun with Tux
> Kart or Tux Racer.

That's cool - I expect we'll get computers with similar specs.  What about
computers that can't run Ubuntu?  Should we stick with computers that can do
everything, or is there a place for older, less capable machines?  What do
you think?

> Kids are
> not concerned about proper(proprietary) tools or OS and
> they drag resisting adults
> along with their enthusiasm. The parents don't care if
> their children are learning something
> and their own children convert them to open source when
> cost analysis and functionality
> dawns upon doubtful minds.

I would agree.  Children will be much less likely to turn down a computer
because they've never heard of the operating system before.

> I'm not a techie but an educator
> - but I do whatever it
> takes to get there!
> I have followed online several successful projects such as
> you mention. They have found
> that they need a warehouse, committed volunteers, strict
> donation criteria(so as not to
> become an electronic dumping ground), a scheduled
> publicized donation event, and
> scheduled training time(s) and place for the donees.

Good points, but we aren't going to need all of this infrastructure just
yet.  A warehouse would be nice.  Anyone know of a local church or school
who might be willing to donate some storage space?

The "Donation Event" is an interesting idea.  Perhaps we could get the
computers, fix the computers and give them away all on the same weekend?  We
could hold an advertised donation event during an install fest, followed by
people coming in to pick up the computers (with some people doing training
and demos standing by).  Crazy?

> Colleges and larger church congregations
> are willing to become involved in helping in many ways.
> With most schools it takes time....
> We are training the generation after us with new tools and
> the new attitudes that open
> source provides. Linux is a more natural extension of a
> man's talents. We have gone within
> a few short years from texting to X-Windows to Live CD's to
> USB Flash Drive Linux sticks
> to Linux Remixes, etc. Some of these new users(even
> children) are figuring out how to do
> what they want and we need to encourage them to do what we
> do. Linux is more than just
> computers and that is part of what we need to teach and
> instill in our donees.

> And so, since you are the designated project manager, what
> next??
> BobE
> "Robert Eisenzopf" <deitai at>

Right now, *we need orders for computers.*  I don't mind if we go through
the schools, or if we knock on doors, but we need some volunteers to work on

I bet a bunch of kids on the computers at the library don't have one at
home.  Maybe we could get someone to work up some flyers (or business
cards?) which we could hand out with an email address (or phone number?) for
people who want computers.

We also need some computers to give away, but it sounds like this is in the

Thanks for the email(s)!

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