usability testing this weekend

Chuck Frain chuckfrain at
Mon Jul 14 19:51:28 BST 2008

This project is on hold at the moment. The main reason is we were not able
to acquire space for either weekend that we had discussed.

This Thursday's meeting at the library will be in conjunction with the CALug
going over GPG usage.

Other topics are welcome to be discussed as well.

Celeste, I'll mail you off list a little later to discuss particulars about
the usability testing plans so we don't throw half ideas out to the list.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Celeste Lyn Paul <celeste at> wrote:

> Is usability testing still on for this weekend?  We were planning on
> testing
> photo management on Ubuntu.  I´m still willing if we have enough people
> interested (I would recommend at least 8 participants). I´m still working
> on
> the moderator´s guide.  I want to try and keep the activity to 30 minutes
> so
> our participants and moderators dont tire out.  This will also let us test
> more people.

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