Ubuntu Global Bug Jam August 9th

Matt Burkhardt mlb at imparisystems.com
Thu Aug 7 18:56:27 BST 2008

Regrettably, I won't be able to attend - but I am in the market for
either a job or a consulting gig, preferable with open source.  I've
included my resume just in case!

On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 13:22 -0400, Chuck Frain wrote:

> Greetings Everyone,
> Saturday is approaching faster than I realized. The Ubuntu Maryland Team's
> participation in the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam will be kicking off Saturday
> Morning at 9:00am. We'll arrive and get set up and about 9:30am I will be
> giving a presentation on reporting and triaging bugs using Launchpad.
> After which we will put the lesson into practice and start working on bugs
> for some of your favorite projects. We will have the room for the day at Loyola
> College Center for Community Informatics <http://cci.cs.loyola.edu/> until
> 3pm. So be sure to bring your laptop to take full advantage (I don't think
> we'll have spare machines) and any questions you may have. The assumption is
> that everyone will be wireless enabled, but if you need a wired connection
> please drop me an email and we'll accomidate your need.
> If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. This is open to anyone
> that wishes to attend.
> Remember that bug reporting and triaging helps to make your apps get fixed
> and everyone's distribution better.
> Chuck
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarylandTeam/GBJam08
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam

Matt Burkhardt, MSTM
Impari Systems, Inc.
401 Rosemont Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701
mlb at imparisystems.com
(301) 644-3911

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