[ubuntu-us-ma] Greetings and Salutations

leftyfb leftyfb at left-click.org
Thu Jun 16 13:34:19 UTC 2016

As far as I know the group isn't active anymore, but I do monitor the
mailing list just in case. I have been thinking about staarting a LUG or
maybe have meetings/installfests for Ubuntu at the makerspace in Lowell.
Any interest?


On 06/16/2016 12:13 AM, A. Richard Miller wrote:
> The FOSS User Group in Natick meets monthly. See:
> http://www.NatickFOSS.org/
> Cheers from
> --Dick Miller, Partner, MMS
> <<mailto:TheMillers at millermicro.com>TheMillers at millermicro.com>
>    	Co-Leader, FOSS User Group at Natick Community-Senior Center
> <http://millermicro.com/FOSSUserGroupNatick.html><http://millermicro.com/newURL.html>
> -- 
> *| A. Richard & Jill A. Miller            | MILLER MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES |
> | Mailto:TheMillers at millermicro.com      | 61 Lake Shore Road            |
> | Web: http://www.millermicro.com/       | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA    |
> | Voice: 508/653-6136, 9AM-9PM -0400(EDT)| NMEA N 42.29993°, W 71.36558° |*
> Sent from an awesome, inexpensive, no-lock-in, no-bloatware,
> virus-resistant, free-software, Linux <http://NatickFOSS.org/> PC - with
> Ubuntu <http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop> and Fotoxx
> <http://www.kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html>.
> On 06/15/2016 10:20 PM, Bill Ricker wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Dan Butler <kb1lxm at gmail.com
>> <mailto:kb1lxm at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     I did not realize that this mailing list is still around.  After a few
>>     years on Windows I've switched over to Xubuntu. 
>> ​These days I tend to use Lubuntu for older hardware, ever since
>> Xubuntu got heavier than i liked for an antique that i was supporting.
>>     Also learning how to
>>     ​ ​
>>     use emacs and Lisp for fun.
>> ​:-) ​
>>     Is this group still active?
>> ​ I'm as surprised as your are ! ​
>> ( The other local install-festing LUG, BLU.org, just had its quarterly
>> installfest. )
>> ​ 73 de n1vux ​
>> Bill Ricker
>> bill.n1vux at gmail.com <mailto:bill.n1vux at gmail.com>
>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/n1vux 

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