[ubuntu-us-ma] Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 Upgrade script extremely inefficient (downloads from the internet, ignores local CD image)

Randy Cole randyokc at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 19:16:03 GMT 2009

Paul Smith wrote:
> ...snip...
> ...Or, if the upgrade utility could mount an ISO image and upgrade
> from that: then you could bittorrent the ISO and get at least all of the
> major packages that way, and only need to download the extra
> packages--actually you can probably do this today but it will require
> some extra fu).
Paul, that's exactly what I was trying to do - and you are supposed to
be able to do with the "alternate" install disk.

Workaround: Go into system>administration>software sources, and manually
uncheck all of the repositories, then restart the upgrade. This changed
me from ~2999 packages to ~2222 packages and it stopped fetching over
the network. Therefore I must have about 800 packages that are not on
the CD, which will soon be broken, but I should be able to deal with
those later.

Here is the takeaway: It has still taken >3 hours to process the
packages and still going. So a clean install is definitely faster by a
factor of about 3 or 4.

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