[ubuntu-us-ma] Meeting Place Current Status...

Theresa Hepburn theresa.hepburn at gmail.com
Tue May 12 05:13:13 BST 2009

I'm still MIT staff until July 1st and I'd love to help reserve a room, 
but I was under the impression that we need consistency.

Martin Owens wrote:
> Hey Doc,
> This is a question for me, I bare that particular responsibility.
> The Boston public libraries was a bust,
> The Wainright Bank was a bust
> No one else has yet to get back to me.
> It'll be at the SETC baring any other options by this Thursday (two week
> notice will be sent out) Although I'd rather get a place at MIT again.
> Regards, Martin Owens
> On Mon, 2009-05-11 at 23:41 -0400, Doc Kinne wrote:
>> Folks:
>> What is our current status with regard to procuring a meeting place?
>> ---
>> Richard "Doc" Kinne • Rikardo «Dokĉjo» KINNE, BA, MSc., AMAAS
>> <kinnerc @ gmail.com> 
>> "I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe.
>> Look me up!"
>> - The Doctor
>> "Forests of the Dead," Doctor Who

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