[ubuntu-us-ma] Ubunchu Prints for Anime Boston 2010

hito at kugutsu.org hito at kugutsu.org
Mon Jun 22 02:42:36 BST 2009

Hi Martin, and all,

> > > Also, would we want to consider paying for a copy of the Ubunchu manga to be
> > > distributed in the Anime Boston registration bags? It would be expensive,

> Perhaps but I'm not sure about the CC-BY-NC license, if it allows such a
> thing. It's a difficult problem.


By supposition, if we get special permission from author and 
licensee for printing to registration bags, the main problem
could be solved?

If yes, I consult authors/licensee (seotch and ASCII-Mediaworks).

// And, if you(we?) have some cost problems, please contact me..


Fumihito YOSHIDA

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