[ubuntu-us-ma] Arisia Convention part four

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 22:50:10 BST 2009

Hey Felicia,

>> If on the longshot they don't approve me, will the loco be stuck?

Well no, not really. See it's not "the loco" and "you" but more of you
acting on behalf of the loco. If you don't think it's going to work,
then simply don't organise it, if you need money then raise it (and
raise it with us at meetings).

But the important thing is that we're here to help, not take control.
Each advocate has their own babies (events/projects) and it's ultimately
up them them to decide if they want the responsibility of organising the

Let me know if you still want to do this event within our community, I'd
personally be more than willing to put up the $35 for myself, other
money we can take a vote on.


On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 17:26 -0400, felicia wichrowski wrote:
> Oh Yeah
> as long  as I am getting the membership for me, and booking the  room
> I can do the Loco paperwork too.    I cannot cover the $35. membership
> fee and the $100. "table" fee. I think these are the only two fees,
> other than parking if you guys drive...phone calls out of the room and
> the WIFI that we will all need.   Bill suggested splitting off a
> router...you boys can look after that aspect...Im not sure how I'm
> going to run the credit cards yet.  "I know there's an app for that"
> but my phone is cira 2004...so no apps!
> Maybe the Loco won't have to pay another $100, since we are in the
> same room.  I think each person must buy a $35. membership to get in.
> If on the longshot they don't approve me, will the loco be stuck?    I
> will seek clarification. 

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