[ubuntu-us-ma] Fwd: [BAAM!announce] Really Really Free Market; THIS Saturday

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 21 07:17:39 BST 2009

I was thinking of bringing the remainder of my Ubuntu 9.04 CD's to this

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <trenchesfullofpoets at riseup.net>
Date: Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 22:53
Subject: [BAAM!announce] Really Really Free Market; THIS Saturday
To: Bostonanarchists at lists.riseup.net, baamannounce at lists.riseup.net

Dear neighbors,
  The Allston/Brighton Neighborhood Assembly will host our monthly
"Really Really Free Market" this Saturday, August 22nd (instead of our
usual last Saturday of the month schedule) 11pm-4pm at Ringer Park, in
conjunction with the Ringer Park Partnership Group's community event.

As usual, please bring stuff, skills, food, cloths, crafts, services,
music etc to share and/or come and take stuff. It's a community solution
to the recession: Cut down on waste, cut out the "middle-man" and
participate in a neighborhood-based, moneyless market! Please no
furniture or large appliances.

Next month we will return to our usual "last Saturday" schedule. Hope to
see you there!
     -Jake Carman
member of the Allston/Brighton Neighborhood Assembly

http://baamboston.org * http://www.myspace.com/abcboston

☮♥Ⓐ - http://www.google.com/profiles/danny.piccirillo
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