[ubuntu-us-ma] Potential Meeting Locations

Mick Timony mick.timony at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 16:11:33 BST 2009

BLU (Boston Linux Users) meet at MIT. Would it be possible to ask them for
sponsorship for a room at MIT?

I just joined the mailing list in Jan and have been meaning to attend the
meeting, but haven't had the chance yet. I'll show up sometime in the next
few months.

Mick Timony

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Doc Kinne <kinnerc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks:
> Chris gives a lot of good thoughts here, and I have to admit I am in his
> camp.
> I'm one of those folks who love the idea and philosophy of Linux and Free
> Software, but realize that in this current climate, from a practical
> standpoint, there are times when the FOSS community just isn't quite there
> yet.  In my personal example, I run a shop with Linux servers and MacOS X
> workstations. It has been Apple's increasing corporate behavior over the
> last five years that has driven me further and further into the FOSS
> community, however, this is still being written from a MacBook because one
> of the most frustrating computing experiences of my entire life was getting
> wireless to work on a Laptop running Linux. While the FOSS community - and
> Ubuntu in particular - has made great gains in the last couple of years
> getting to "the last mile" of "normal" desktop access, they're still trying.
> So, I realize that while philosophy is great, and can and should be your
> guiding light, practicality sometimes wins the game.
> So, in the end, I think this is ultimately a dangerous idea for both
> parties.  From our side, Bug #1 puts us in direct philosophical combat with
> Microsoft, and from their part the Halloween Memo does the same with regard
> to us. While meeting there could work, I think it could just take a careless
> thought and action, not even meant badly, from either side to make things
> potentially uncomfortable.
> I personally love the BPL idea if we can make it work.
> ---
> Richard "Doc" Kinne • Rikardo «Dokĉjo» KINNE, BA, MSc., AMAAS
> <kinnerc @ gmail.com>
> "I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me
> up!"
> - The Doctor
> "Forests of the Dead," *Doctor Who*
> On 03 Apr , 2009, at 09:55, Chris Butler wrote:
> I'm a bit torn on this...
> A lot of us are admins or developers who work in mixed OS environs. The
> idea of pulling people from both Linux and Windows sides to maybe help mesh
> them is a positive to me.
> The point of Ubuntu though has always seemed to me to create access to
> Linux for the everyday end user - and the idea of free software.
> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy
> Why shouldn't we bring this idea to Microsoft?
> On the other hand...
> The Free Software idea undermines the core corporate policies/drives of
> Microsoft (from my perspective at least).
> This could very easily be viewed as an attempt to undermine them and I
> would hesitate to go into a position that could cause any conflict.
> I wouldn't mind it, as long as it was clear to them who/what we are and do
> but I would probably be more comfortable finding another alternative.
> Just my .02$
> -Chris
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Samuel Murphy <samuel.murphy at gmail.com>wrote:
>> What do people think?
>>> Regards, MArtin
>> I was at a community event there a few weeks ago, the MSfolk seemed
>> totally cool about demos shown on Firefox or linux based. It is an
>> amazing location, do look for the beanbag chairs in the shape of stream
>> pebbles.
>> My cynical spidy sense suspects that the Cambridge 'lab' comes from
>> an MS exec reading something like 'The Art of War' and following the
>> suggestion "keep your friends close... and your enemies closer"
>> But heck, take advantage of it.
>> -Sam
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