[ubuntu-us-ma] Fwd: CRT Monitors up for grabs

leftyfb leftyfb at left-click.org
Wed Apr 1 18:03:41 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

South End Technology Center

Yuriy Kozlov wrote:
> Hey all,
> Are we working with any organizations that may need some CRT monitors?  I 
> think there are some 20" ones there that are pretty decent.
> ~ Yuriy
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: CRT Monitors up for grabs
> Date: Wednesday 01 April 2009
> From: Chris Allison <chris at cs.brandeis.edu>
> To: All Technology Coordinators <technology at lists.brandeis.edu>
> Hello All,
> The computer science department has a collection of over 20 working CRT 
> monitors, ranging in size from 13" to 20", which we are looking to pass on 
> to better homes.
> Because of the number of monitors, we will probably not be placing them 
> out on the Feldberg recycling shelves, or at least not doing so all at 
> once.
> Therefore, if any of you would like one or more monitors (for personal or 
> Brandeis-associated use), or if you know of any person, organization, or 
> charity that would like one or more monitors, please let us know by 
> replying to this email or calling 62740.
> Any monitors not claimed by members of the Brandeis Community or otherwise 
> passed on to new homes will be turned over to facilities to be recycled.
> Please note that these are CRT ("big box") monitors, not LCD ("flat panel" 
> / "thin") monitors. Thanks,
> -Christopher Allison
> --
> Head, Systems Operations group,
> Brandeis University Computer Science dept.
> chris at cs.brandeis.edu
> http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~guru/
> -------------------------------------------------------

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