[ubuntu-us-ma] Fwd: CRT Monitors up for grabs

Yuriy Kozlov yuriy-kozlov at kubuntu.org
Wed Apr 1 17:57:17 BST 2009

Hey all,

Are we working with any organizations that may need some CRT monitors?  I 
think there are some 20" ones there that are pretty decent.

~ Yuriy

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: CRT Monitors up for grabs
Date: Wednesday 01 April 2009
From: Chris Allison <chris at cs.brandeis.edu>
To: All Technology Coordinators <technology at lists.brandeis.edu>

Hello All,

The computer science department has a collection of over 20 working CRT 
monitors, ranging in size from 13" to 20", which we are looking to pass on 
to better homes.

Because of the number of monitors, we will probably not be placing them 
out on the Feldberg recycling shelves, or at least not doing so all at 

Therefore, if any of you would like one or more monitors (for personal or 
Brandeis-associated use), or if you know of any person, organization, or 
charity that would like one or more monitors, please let us know by 
replying to this email or calling 62740.

Any monitors not claimed by members of the Brandeis Community or otherwise 
passed on to new homes will be turned over to facilities to be recycled.

Please note that these are CRT ("big box") monitors, not LCD ("flat panel" 
/ "thin") monitors. Thanks,

-Christopher Allison
Head, Systems Operations group,
Brandeis University Computer Science dept.
chris at cs.brandeis.edu


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