Ibex release party

Aaron Haviland orion at parsed.net
Fri Oct 31 05:06:14 GMT 2008

deviousdragen wrote, on Oct 31, 2008 at 00:30 EDT:
> Sharing drinks causes colds to be passed :) Perhaps next time, you can come
> and pass on the cold :) Haha I am so funny. Ok, more like tired. I hope your
> not too bummed out Ralph. It was fun, but nobody stayed very late. There was
> some new, and some old faces there. I Forgot to pull out the camera earlier
> in the game, but i got a few good pictures of the different people chatting
> and such, i'll post them on the galleries when i have a chance. Feel free to
> check out the other pictures from past events on the gallery page...
> http://gallery.ubuntu-ma.us/ .
> Sweet dreams Hardy Herron and Welcome Intrepid Ibex...

No sweet dreams for Hardy, it's LTS!

Aaron Haviland
34 Wayne Ave, Dudley, MA                       home:  [508] 943 - 7974
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