Newton Public Schools Technology Advisory Committee Meeting
Danny Piccirillo
danny.piccirillo at
Tue Feb 19 17:17:27 GMT 2008
crap, sorry, i forgot to say the meeting is tuesday the 26th
On Feb 19, 2008 12:16 PM, Danny Piccirillo <danny.piccirillo at>
> So a teacher at north sent me the NPS TAC website that they use at
> I think we should try to get involved and they said it would be fine if i
> showed up and brought someone from our team too. You can see the meeting
> agenda at
> I'm not really familiar with any of this but here's what i do know. At the
> meetings, everyone breaks up into their own teams. You can see the groups
> with a description for each at Please look at these
> as they could all use our advice. 1-1 learning could use ubuntu on those
> laptops, course management is already looking into moodle and we need to
> encourage that, and school portal is looking into drupal and we need to
> encourage that, but they also, i think, deal with the student information
> system, which se should recommend SchoolTool for.
> Then, after and hour and a half, the teams will come back together to
> debrief for 30 minutes.
> Meeting with them could definitely give a lot of insight on what we should
> be doing for the presentation.
> Please, let me know what you think
> Thanks,
> .Danny
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