Ubuntu network management tools?

Brian DeLacey bdelacey at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 16:19:21 BST 2008

Can anyone recommend their favorite Ubuntu-based network management tools?
I'm particularly interested in helping to manage public WiFi networks, eg.
open-mesh networks with mini-routers devices like


Footnote: At MIT this weekend, there will be a demo of Debian running
on WGT<http://people.zoy.org/%7Ewalken/wgt634u/HOWTO.html>.
Getting entire operating environments running on small RF devices is cool
hackery - maybeUbuntu will find a way onto these devices. (Ubuntu
8.04includes release
plans for Mobile and
Embedded<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-mobile>systems -
so maybe a promising step in this direction. )

On Sunday, 4/6 there is a session on Free (the) Net : Build Your Own
Wireless Internet Router <http://bostonskillshare.org/workshop.php> - with
an 11 AM demonstration of how to build a wireless access point to share
internet services. They will also demo Kismet<http://www.kismetwireless.net/>,
the "802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion
detection system".
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