Making a single disk Gnu/Linux $HOME survive re-installation

Theresa Hepburn hepbut at
Tue Oct 23 16:07:17 BST 2007

What about adding a Tutorials section to the wiki?

I'm a bit confused. Does this prevent me from adding additional hard drives?
Am I limited to  two? Or you mean this requires a minimum of two? What
happens if I decide to set up a raid?

I still don't know what  LVM is other than "Logical Volume Management" but
the acronym is meaningless to me. How does "no LVM" apply to how I use my
computer each day?

Do you mean to 's/^#/\$/' ?  I'm assuming everything in boxes are shell
commands but there are sudo's at the root prompt (or are they comments??).
What do you really mean?

I don't have the capacity to make technical comments, but from an average
new-to-linux user it's difficult to understand what you are doing to your
computer. If I were to come across this page in a Google search I probably
wouldn't go through with it because the simple (and probably obvious for
you) details aren't clearly articulated. Generally, I Google/Wikipedia
search every command I don't fully understand in a HOWTO especially since
the technical jargon of man pages  flies over my head. The simple layman
details I look for don't exist in your description, there are simply too
many steps that aren't clear to me. I don't understand why you want me to
add this line to /etc/fstab or what "/var/local/home /home none rw,bind 0 0"

I know that's an extremely vague and overly generalized comment but if I
understood what specifics should be changed or added then I wouldn't have
been in the state of mind to have made it in the first place. I'm sorry, I'm
sure this is extremely frustrating for you seeing as how you have no way to
understand what it is that I don't understand, or why I don't.

Of course, you are welcome to ignore my comments all together, especially if
you intend your audience to be technically inclined.

Thanks for doing all this Bill!!

~ Theresa (avila)

On 10/23/07, Bill Ricker <bill.n1vux at> wrote:
> > >
> > > Comments?
> > cp -a (alias for -dpR) instead of just cp -pr? Easier to remember, and
> > it preserves symlinks
> Great comment. Accepted, changed.
> > Other than that, I cannot think of anything. I was going to argue
> > /usr/local/ vs /var/local/ but the more I think about it, /var makes
> > more sense
> > I just have to stop playing around with /usr/local/src so much :P
> Right, should use *apt*/dpkg to manage /usr, then you can do the dpkg
> save/restore trick to get back all the installs (that aren't
> contraindicated -- do a test to see what of new release it might have
> to uninstall !!).  If someone knows a good how-to on-line for that
> trick, I should link to that.
> Any other comments?
> What is a good permanent home for this?
> --
> Bill
> n1vux at bill.n1vux at
> --
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