Making a single disk Gnu/Linux $HOME survive re-installation

Aaron Haviland orion at
Sun Oct 21 09:27:03 BST 2007

Bill Ricker wrote, on Oct 20, 2007 at 23:45 EDT:
> Mike said my instructions on IRC were a bit incomplete; he was right.
> I made a draft HOW-TO of the technique I used on a Feisty laptop and a
> LTS Dapper server to set up so a full re-install (jump to LTS 8.10 or
> emergency reinstall or ...) doesn't lose /var/local installs and
> /home.
> Comments?

cp -a (alias for -dpR) instead of just cp -pr? Easier to remember, and
it preserves symlinks

Other than that, I cannot think of anything. I was going to argue
/usr/local/ vs /var/local/ but the more I think about it, /var makes
more sense

I just have to stop playing around with /usr/local/src so much :P

Aaron Haviland
34 Wayne Ave, Dudley, MA                       home:  [508] 943 - 7974

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