Let's set up a first meeting!

Yuriy Kozlov yuriy.kozlov at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 19:54:16 GMT 2007

Welcome to the Ubuntu MA LoCo team!

Looks like everyone is subscribed now, so let's schedule a first IRC
meeting for some time next week.  For now we'll meet in #ubuntu-us-ne.
 Everybody on the NU team is welcome to participate.

The primary purpose of the meeting will be to discuss goals for the
team.  We should work out some specific thing(s) we want to achieve.

In addition, here's the to-do list:
- Do we need an IRC channel?  If so, we need to get someone to set one up.
- Do we need a forum? If so, we need to get someone to set one up.
- If anybody's come up with some logo ideas by the time of the
meeting, let's pick one.
I've posted this at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Meetings
 As a general thing, if you have anything to add to the agenda, please
add it to the wiki page.

Please respond with what is a good time for a meeting.  (Or a good
time not to).  For now I'll throw out Tuesday March 20 at 5:00pm,
how's that?

Finally, all this week I (and others) are working on Kubuntu Desktop
Bugs Week: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuTeam/Bugs so if you use
Kubuntu Feisty, please help out!!

~ Yuriy

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