
Paul pfortin at
Mon Dec 10 23:45:10 GMT 2007

On Dec 10, 2007 6:43 PM, Caleb Marcus <caleb.marcus at> wrote:

>  Perhaps more important than quoting styles, posting etiquette, etc. is
> human etiquette... and that includes not sending rude messages to the list,
> especially if you're a new member who really hasn't contributed much to our
> community at this point in time. Your message is rude because rather than
> challenging Theresa's *ideas*, you're challenging her *posting style*.
> Basically, you're wasting space with useless material, and thus are wasting
> our time. By complaining about stupid things when you haven't really
> contributed anything useful to the group, you make a pretty bad first
> impression. Perhaps you should think about what messages like yours tell
> other people about you as a person... because right now, I don't think
> anyone in the group is impressed by your attempt to reform our posting
> habits.

I thought we were asked to drop this...
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