
jw cyb3rj at
Fri Dec 7 11:54:29 GMT 2007

Martin Owens wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I don't mind anyone joining our group of merry ubuntu gang; but we
> need to keep things clean; So I propose that at the next meeting we
> have a vote to decide on my idea to clean up our launchpad members
> list with the following rule:
> 1) If you do not have a real name in launch pad, you will be removed.
> This is because our community has trust and accountability as two
> mayor pillars and the anaoymous names being used are just not good
> enough I think for launchpad and people who are supposed to be meeting
> each other every so often.
> We will also be trying a new logging and irc system out to see how it
> goes, everyone who can't make the meeting is encouraged to join the
> irc channel; one person will be designated as irc secretary, their job
> is to set the irc channel mode to "meeting" (so it logs directly to
> the wiki) and type in everything that is said in the meeting as well
> as saying out loud anything from other members in the channel.
> Thoughts and feelings?
> Best Regards, Martin Owens

I'll second that.


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