Ubuntu MASSACHUSETTS InstallFest
lake.wind77 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 19:01:47 BST 2007
Michelle Murrain wrote:
> Yuriy Kozlov wrote:
>> I think you're thinking of the NorthEastern US team
>> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NUUbuntuTeam), and to my understanding that
>> is more of a team support structure like the US Teams project
>> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams) than an independent team. I agree
>> that this is an MA event and there's no reason to call it a New
>> England event, but I don't think anyone would be offended.
> I'm a newcomer, so forgive me butting in a bit. One thing to keep in
> mind, is that if the location will always be in Boston, calling the
> event either a Massachusetts installfest or a New England Installfest
> might get old for those of us who are in MA and/or in New England but
> don't live in Boston. Some of us out in the Western part of MA, for
> instance, can get a bit snippy about the bad habit of some Boston
> residents to forget the rest of the state. :-)
> If however, there are plans to move this around (like at UMass Amherst,
> or Greenfield CC or some such) then I'm happy to be quiet, and I'll be
> glad to help organize an event out here.
> Peace,
> Michelle
Well put Michelle!
I too am from Western Massachusetts (Amherst area) and I get
tired of people considering Massachusetts being JUST the
Boston area (Bostoncentric). I'm not specifically referring to
Ubuntu MA when I say that. It's a lot of things including our
representation at the state government level. But if Ubuntu MA
is truly going to be a "Massachusetts" group, then the rest of
the state needs to be considered when meetings are being
scheduled. Either that or we could try to start up a Western
Massachusetts chapter on our own and maybe even include
Southern Vermont in it as well.
I would love to contribute to Ubuntu MA, go to meetings and
installfests but unless meetings are going to be flexible and
in places that are more convenient (other than just the
eastern part of this great Commonwealth), then I won't be
Last time I was in Boston was more than 20 years ago to attend
a Bruins game and it was a nightmare (traffic wise) that I
won't soon forget. For me it's just too difficult driving into
Boston with the traffic, finding parking, etc... Too much
aggravation and who needs that? Not me.
I think your idea about having a few of the meetings and
installfests at places like UMASS Amherst or Greenfield
Community College is fantastic! GCC would be ideal. Plus, even
for folks in the eastern part of the state, it's a lot easier
finding parking around here and there's hardly any traffic to
contend with (until you head back home again to Boston). Sure
you'd have to leave Boston but wouldn't you rather spend time
in quiet, comfortable, beautiful surroundings rather than in
the heart of the city? Wouldn't that be nice once in a while?
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