Discussion night

Rob Rogers r2d2rogers at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 20:18:50 GMT 2008

We had a great start to this new format, I hope more people are able
to join in on the next one.

Who has a good topic for our discussion on April 10th?


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Wesley Harp <wesj at wesleyharp.com> wrote:
> I think we should try something new on Thursdays nights.  We've previously
> had this on the calendar as "Informal Discussion Night".  It's basically
> been a show up and chat type thing.  Well, I think we should make Thursday
> nights more of an event.  Have actual Discussion Nights.  Each week we
> should let someone pick a topic for us to discuss.  Maybe you've got a pet
> peeve about Linux, Ubuntu, or the community, or you have a project idea, or
> you want to have a philosophical discussion about the merits of open source
> or ways we can market open source and Ubuntu better.  Well on your night,
> from 9 to 10, every one who can make it can help you brain storm, come up
> with ideas, a plan of action, do a little research, or whatever it takes.
> We can refine the process and the types of topics we're going to cover as we
> go.  Obviously they should be related to our ultimate goal of promoting
> Ubuntu and open source software in some way, but I think we can have a
> pretty broad range of topics for discussion under that umbrella.  This can
> be your chance to put the power of the entire LoCo team behind you.
> I realize this is short notice, but tonight we are going to be discussing
> our presentation for the HAMfest.  If you would like to help us out and can
> make it, then we'll see you at 9 in #ubuntu-us-la on irc.freenode.net!
> Discuss.
> Wes
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