Code of Conduct Requirement

droops droops at
Wed Apr 9 21:22:29 BST 2008

Here is my take on the whole thing.  Right now to be a member of the
group, we need to be in irc, sign up at the ubuntu forums, and sign up
on the launchpad site.  We also have to sign the Coc, which is not
required by any other loco.  Having everyone sign the CoC is not
required for us to become an approved LoCo.  Why are we making people
go through this hassle, and potentially turning folks away?

Most of us have not signed the CoC, and while I don't disagree with
the CoC, I do disagree with it being required for membership.


On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Luc Ent <byonichero at> wrote:
> I think this works out well.  Sending it to the mailing list informs
> everyone of what is going on.  Whether they vote or not is their own
> decision.  I also agree that the discussion/vote/talk about it should be
> removed from the meeting agenda.  I think it's already been proven that it
> will become the main topic of discussion and we have much bigger fish to
> fry.  So I encourage everyone to go to the poll whenever it comes up.
> On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Trey Brown <palintheus at> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > In an attempt to smooth this Code of Conduct (CoC) issue, it was suggested
> that we do a public poll so there is more visibility and there is no one
> that gets left out because they were not in IRC, I think this is the best
> course of action, so it is not just one, two, or however many people
> deciding this, I figured a mailing list post would give people more of a
> chance to respond. If no one has an issue with this option, I think the poll
> could easily be put up tonight or tomorrow, however long the entire group
> thinks it appropriate to be open for discussion.
> >
> > Regarding the options on the poll. This does seem like it is an issue that
> will have to be revisited at some point in time, probably sooner rather than
> later. I think we should try to come up with some options as a group. Here
> are my opinions on the options. 1) Remove the CoC Signature requirement 2)
> Keep the requirement 3) Remove the requirement pending more discussion after
> the Hamfest(to prevent putting off projects with deadlines). As well as
> options we need to decide on a duration for the poll to stay open. I think
> 4-5 days is more than enough time for everyone that wants to vote. Also I
> think this should remove the CoC topic from the agenda at the meetings since
> it will be handled as a poll outside of IRC and people can get information
> on the topic easily and still have their vote counted. If you disagree
> please speak up before the poll is up or closed.
> >
> > This is something that has been a heated topic in IRC, so I ask that
> everyone be informed on the subject prior to voting, including the text of
> the CoC, and procedures to sign it. If you need information, please ask in
> the mailing list, IRC, email, however you are comfortable getting in contact
> with another member.
> >
> > --
> > Trey
> > Get Ubuntu Today!
> >
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