Stepping down, the hamfest.

Hal Wilke hfwilke at
Tue Apr 8 14:41:04 BST 2008


I'm sorry to hear that you are stepping down, and appreciate all of the
effort that you have put in.  It is easy to see how this could quickly take
time from your family, as my participation is greatly constrained by family

Thanks for all of the effort you have ut in to helping organize the group.


On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Rob Rogers <r2d2rogers at> wrote:

> Guys,
> I'm stepping down at the team contact, and after the hamfest I will
> not be participating in the LoCo at the level I have been up till now.
> I will be helping with the hamfest and will do all I can to coordinate
> that effort with the local Ham Club.
> I'm sorry this was so sudden.  I had not planned to step down at this
> time until it was brought to my attention how much time the LoCo
> efforts were taking away from my family.  I need to refocus on being a
> better dad and husband first, and then I can try to balance other
> activities with my priorities.
> I plan to be in the IRC today around lunch, 11am  till 1pm to answer
> any questions.
> -Rob
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