[ubuntu-us-in] ubuntu for the classroom

Randy Heiland heiland at indiana.edu
Sun Jan 4 22:24:43 GMT 2009

Hi all,

Can anyone offer any first-hand experience with using Ubuntu in the  
K-12 public classroom?  I just joined a tech committee for a new  
charter school (grades 7-9) that's suppose to start here in Columbus,  
IN next fall.  I would like to promote the use of Linux for the  
computer lab, etc., but suspect that Windows will win out due to other  
people's pro-Windows stance.  I'd welcome any comments people might  
have and whether or not there are part-time sysadmins to be found.   
And I'm aware of the Indiana Access/Linux program as I talked to some  
of the people behind it, but that's been several years ago and I  
haven't followed its progress.  Anyone know if there's a mailing list,  
etc, for that program?

thanks, Randy

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