[ubuntu-us-in] Jaunty Release Party

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at cinlug.org
Sun Apr 5 00:48:41 BST 2009

The next version of Ubuntu, version 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is less than
three weeks away.  Last spring, we celebrated the release of Ubuntu 8.04
(Hardy Heron) at the Reddick Shelterhouse at Fort Harrison
State Park in Indianapolis.  Anyone have any suggestions for this year's
party?  I think the State Park worked out great and wouldn't be opposed
to returning to the park for our Jaunty Release Party.  I started a
planning page on the wiki:


Whatever we decide, it should be done soon since the Jaunty release is
less than three weeks away.  I suggest holding our party on Saturday,
April 25, 2009.

Any suggestions?

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