[ubuntu-us-in] Intrepid release party

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 21:52:12 BST 2008

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:51 PM, Ryan M. Peters <sloshy45 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>        Yeah but there's a few of us who are only 14 and aren't allowed in bars
> (namely, me).

Indeed, I agree.

Having the party in a restaurant would allow more people to enter
(compared to a bar) without keeping those of us who would like to
enjoy a beer from doing so.

> Speaking of which I remember asking to be a member of this
> team a while ago a couple of time, but I don't think i made it too
> noticeable of a message... of well at least I'm technically involved
> here!

We have no real "membership" list. If you participate enough to feel a
part of the team, then you're a member. Welcome aboard! :-)

I'm betting there are many of you who never post to this mailing list,
but who are out there getting the word out; talking to your friends
and family about Ubuntu or giving presentations at libraries and such.

That's more important than being on any list. You're all LoCo members
in my book.

There *is* such a thing as an "Ubuntu Member", though, which is an
earned title meant to recognize significant and sustained
contributions to the community. There is a formal process for
attaining the title of "Ubuntu Member", and LoCo participation is an
excellent way to fulfill Ubuntu Membership requirements.

>        Oh yeah I completely forgot to say I have a library program on Ubuntu
> at the Highland Library (yeah I'm nowhere near Indy so i wouldn't be
> able to go to the party anyways) this weekend the 20th at 1 PM Central,
> and another one the following week for people to burn cd's of Hardy
> 8.04.1.

Great! See what I mean. You're out there in the trenches spreading the
Ubuntu love. If anyone's a member, it's you.

I look forward to hearing all about how it goes. Take pictures, if you
can, for those of us who can't make it.

Take care!


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