[ubuntu-us-in] Intrepid release party
Jason Corfman
computers at corfyscorner.com
Mon Sep 15 18:37:29 BST 2008
Well, last year was at 7:10. I think an 8:10 start might be a bit late,
but that is just me.
BTW, another advantage of having this party on Nov. 1 is we avoid the
Halloween celebrations on Oct. 31. Unless you want to make this a
costume party (dress as your favorite Ubuntu release).
Doc.Brown at rolls-royce.com wrote:
> I think this time you need to have it at a bar (like the Irish pub you
> did that one time) at 8:10 pm instead 8:04 ! ;>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* ubuntu-us-in-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-us-in-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] *On Behalf Of *Michael
> Schultheiss
> *Sent:* Monday, September 15, 2008 11:45 AM
> *To:* Brown, David (Test Department)
> *Subject:* [ubuntu-us-in] Intrepid release party
> The next release of Ubuntu, version 8.10 (code named Intrepid Ibex) is
> scheduled to be released on Thursday, October 30, 2008. As with the
> last two releases of Ubuntu, the Indiana LoCo team should gather
> together to celebrate the release. Unlike for our Hardy Party, Indiana
> weather will probably not be conducive to an outdoor party so we should
> probably look for a restaurant or some other indoor facility. Simón
> Ruiz has suggested we meet at a restaurant that's open fairly late. Any
> suggestions?
> I propose a location in Metro Indianapolis due to its central location.
> I also suggest we plan the party for the weekend following the release
> (Saturday, November 1, 2008) to avoid weekday conflicts.
> --
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