[ubuntu-us-in] K12 Open Minds in Indy,

Vern Ceder vceder at canterburyschool.org
Wed Aug 6 22:07:36 BST 2008

Hi everyone,

Indianapolis will be the site of one of the nation's largest (if not THE 
largest) conferences on FOSS in K12 education, the K12 Open Minds 
conference Sept 25-27. If you want to know more, go to 
http://www.k12openminds.org to find out all about it.

I'm looking to put together a panel discussion session on the 
interaction between schools using Linux and Linux Users Groups (and the 
wider FOSS community) - what should happen, what can go wrong, what both 
sides can offer and what they can gain, etc.

If anyone on this list has any desire to be on such a panel, or knows of 
someone, either on the school side or the LUG side, that would be good 
for this discussion, please let me know off list.

Disclosure: I have to admit that I don't at the moment know what the 
logistics will be - I'm assuming that panelists can come in for this 
panel without registering, but that attending other talks, etc. would 
involve registering for the conference.

It's also possible that we could set up a small booth/display there. (I 
know that Canonical is talking to us about being a sponsor, as is 
RedHat.) If there is any interest in this, I can find out the options we 
would have for that.

Vern Ceder
This time for sure!
    -Bullwinkle J. Moose
Vern Ceder, Director of Technology
Canterbury School, 3210 Smith Road, Ft Wayne, IN 46804
vceder at canterburyschool.org; 260-436-0746; FAX: 260-436-5137

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