[Ubuntu-us-id] Reminder - meeting tonight 6PM

Site Admin admin at ubuntuidaho.org
Tue Jan 29 20:21:19 UTC 2013

Howdy all -

Just a reminder, the Ubuntu LoCo Meeting is tonight*, 6:00 - 8:00* at the
Open Lab Idaho, next door to the Reuseum, 108 West 33rd Street Garden City,
ID 83714. map<https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=reuseum&fb=1&gl=us&hq=reuseum&hnear=0x54aef172e947b49d:0x9a5b989b36679d9b,Boise,+ID&cid=0,0,3700450128887822794&ei=fXqfUKLnEMWUjALPvIDIBw&ved=0CJcBEPwSMAA>

Thanks to those that RSVP'd - we did get your notice and if you want to
throw a few bucks in the 'Za can, that's great (not required but we won't
say no either).

Looking forward to seeing you there.
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