[Ubuntu-us-id] January Ubuntu Idaho LoCo Meeting

Site Admin admin at ubuntuidaho.org
Sun Jan 20 21:21:11 UTC 2013

*What: Ubuntu Idaho LoCo Meeting
Where: Open Lab Idaho

108 W 33rd Street, Garden City, ID (next door to the Reuseum)
When: Tuesday, January 29, 6:00-8:00 PM (added ½ hr for this month’s
Topic(s): Install & Configure Ubuntu Server

Happy New Year to everyone. We've decided to spend the next few meetings on
a new theme: Ubuntu Server. The first meeting will be about installation
and configuration of a base server. While building a base server, we’ll
discuss various configuration options to prep for various server roles and

The few months that follow we will cover related topics, currently on the
table: Zentyal, Remote Administration & SSH Keys, SAMBA, Shell scripts,
Authentication/LDAP, Email server, FreeNAS, Virtualization (Virtual Box,
OpenStack & JeOS), LAMP & web frameworks/apps. Feel free to send us
requests for presentations (or to offer to do a presentation).


   1. We will be doing a server installation as part of this month's
   session, so feel free to bring your own machine if you'd like to follow
   2. If there is interest, we will also order pizza this round. We ask
   that if you plan to attend and want pizza you send us an R.S.V.P. so we can
   get a head count. If you don't RSVP we can't guarantee the 'Za!
   3. If you are already familiar with Ubuntu Server, you’re still welcome
   to come by and help out with those that are learning it for the first time.

Hope to see you there!*
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